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Thursday 3 July 2014

Reflection (How to start a movement)

The leader is always the one that is recognized, the one that is praised and the one that receives all the recognition. People often neglects the followers, people do not remember their names or their efforts. But have we ever asked ourselves: Is the Leader really the most important person? It is undebatable that a leader is undoubtedly important, but what about the  followers? After watching the video, I realized a very important point, one that I have always overlooked. Followers are what make a leader. I'm my opinion, a follower is just as important as a leader. The first follower makes the first difference, he/she encourages others to follow suit, to join the the person that is leading them. This makes the leader. A leader is not a leader without any followers. Therefore, I agree with the video and feel that the leader might actually not be as important as what most thinks, because, the first follower is the one who starts the event, the movement or the organization, the one that makes the leader by prompting others to follow his/her movements, to join the soon-to-be leader. 

Yang Zhi

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