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Thursday 10 July 2014


Day 1, I reached Taiwan after a long journey in the bus. The time now is 12.00 my whole class looks sleepy. Everybody is excited for this trip as this is the first time we go out as a class. When I get out of the airport I sighed as the weather is same as Singapore hot and humid in the summer. Afterwards we went to our place that we all like- the hotel.

Day 2, the excitement of the trip is starting as this is the first time we go out as a class. Getting straight into it the first destinations is Meinong Folk village. At the Meinong Folk village I drank the擂茶 it taste different from what is the in Singapore. As in Singapore the 茶 is not so thick and a little bit salty but in the Meinong Folk village the tea is different from what we have in Singapore. This led me to think: Why would this be different. Then I realized that different countries have different food and cultures. Next up I went to the Kaohsiung Hakka culture museum; I learned migration of the Hakka. The Hakka have 5 great migrations. As I was a Hakka I did not know how my ancestors are migrating. This led me to understand what my ancestors are doing. I also felt relief that my ancestors escaped from the Japanese during World War 2. So from this learnt the culture of my ancestors so from this learnt the culture of my ancestors. From this I learnt that the Hakka’s where friendly. I went to the Kaohsiung Museum of history after the visit to the places of Hakka. First we went by the love river as it was beside the Kaohsiung museum of history. First our tour guide explained about the love river. The love river was named as there were two people in love and they decide to jump down into the pool as there were complications. The Kaohsiung Museum of history is built as they wanted to keep the Kaohsiung history and it is an important place. After the Kaohsiung museum of history we went to the place that we longed waited for, the night market. For the night market we were excited as it is the first day and we get to shop in it. I hang out with my cliché and started to tasted and buy the food. The food there was delicious, from smelly tofu to big sausage and small sausage we did not get to taste this kind of cultural food in Singapore. We all went back to the hotel with my stomach boated as I ate too much food.

Day 3, we went to the eternal golden castle. From there, something caught my eye. I saw a 10 inch thick cannon .That cannon is a true beauty, it has its historical values as that place was built by the Qing government which was like a century ago. They build bring cannon and small cannons to protect themselves. Next at the old street we had our lunch, it was delicious we had a taste on the guan CAI ban. From there I bought some soveniours for my parents. It was cheap and beautiful. The most interesting thing is that I ate the tasty soup which made me droop. Next we went to the Chikkan tower,the middle tower makes me sweat as when we go up, the wood is shaking and the staircase is 45 dergrees.But when we got on topof the tower, the beautiful view of the surronding cause me to cover my shock.It was definately a fun experience going on top of one of the historical sitesThe Tainan Confucius temple makes me bored.When we got there,we just basically write down our wishes and we wait there untill the next journey started.The one thing i remembered about that place is I wrote down a wish to I prove my result.lastly we went to the anping fort and old street.It is just a fort that the dutch built to collect resource from the moutain and to not get raided as the structure has roof that fit into the mountains.The word that I will use to describe this day is brick as every day we will see bricks as it are historical. 

Day4,Today I met my buddy in sacred hearts school.My buddy is a musician and he plays the violin from primary one.He is a friendly guy and talks with me we got to know each other in one day.I thought that it was good to have friends overseas.Thus this made me happy as I finally achieve my  aim to have a friend oversea, this will led me to knowing more things about the country in a different perspective.Sacred heart school is a bigger than River Valley High school,there is two swimming pool in the school and a few basketball courts.Afterwards I got the chanced to go to the school's geography class.During the geography class everybody was basically just sleeping and waiting for the movie screening to finish.The teacher is not too strict as she just woke them up and asked them to washed their faces.Afterwards,we went to a primary school,I felt ashamed as all of them knew how to play the violin.It is a art school so all their drawing and music is nice.For that day I can represent using white color as it is the sacred heart and river valley high school uniform.

Day 5, second day in school.Today the school help us plan program so we went tot the towel factory.At the towel factory I learnt about the different types of towels and how to distinguish between the good quality towels and the bad quality towel.After all the teaching we went to we went to design a towel,it is a beautiful looking dog like towel.From this I had learnt something about my daily nessacceries.Then we went to make our own pineapple tart, after making it we get to bring it back,I tasted it it is super tasty as it is the one I made.Back in sacred hearts,I learned magic cards and balloons .The magic show was interesting as it is unexplainable .For the making of balloons I was sacred that I will break the balloons as they have a loud explosion sound which will sacare me.Lastly we went to the Cca the uniform group is not so strict compared to our  unform group.As they only had one hour  and we had three hours.

Day 6,today is the day that interest me the most.Finally I can go out with my buddy.First we went to the soya sauce  factory  , it interest me as I get to know how soya sauce was made.I got to taste the soya sauce from there.Next, I got to taste the one and only store that sells soya sauce ice cream.Afterwards we got to drink coffee at Yang Hui's buddy house.As our buddy was friends we got to go out together.They gave us cappuccino to drink and relaxing in their house.This made me started to talk to my buddy.Lastly, we went to eat dinner , it was a fun day I felt happy as I got  a new friend and he is cool.I was sad when it was time to leave him ,I could not stop my emotions but to cry it out,I hope I had chance to go back to Tainan to see him.

Day 7, after a long bus ride to the 921 with is in Tainan . I felt  happy for the children because luckily it was night time and nobody is at the school as nobody was killed .the earthquake caused the earth to be uprooted it cause a splits .It was luckly that the earthquake happened at night.I felt blessed that Singapore did not have disasters like Taiwan.So after that my class went on the plane and officially said bye to Taiwan.It was a fun journey and I would like to thank the school for hosting such a exciting and insightful activity.

Pang Wei siong 

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