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Friday 8 August 2014


25 May 2014 Sunday
Today is the first official day in Taiwan where we went out to four different museums and the Liu He night market. The weather today was hot and we all now experience how summer feels like. The food here also taste extremely delicious. From a group leader's, I've also learn to make head counts and knowing my group better and also my group's teacher, Mr Wong the vice principal. Today, I had a better understanding of Hakka culture, their many festivals, attired and history. One thing that intrigued me most is how the Hakkas holds festivals every year to pray for good studies. 

26 May 2014 Monday
Sunny(very hot)
Today we spent the morning in ten drum village. We had a tour around the village and even had a drum  lesson. We also got to enjoy a drum performance put up by a group of drummers from TenDrum. It was spectacular as I never thought that the percussional instruments could be so amazing. A symbol of what intrigued me the most today would thus be a drum. Also the other thing that intrigued me today was that in Anping old street, oysters are a very common delicacy there as the location was near the sea. I also ate the coffin toast which my group had found out previously in Singapore. It would have  been by far the best dish in Taiwan that I have tried. 

27 May 2014 Tuesday
Today we finally reached Sacred Hearts High School. They were very welcoming and even had a spectacular performance put up for us. There were also 5 student helpers that were friendly and outgoing. The students if the school were all enthusiastic upon our arrival. I really feel that our school should learn from sacred hearts to be hospitable and welcoming. The school is also focused on the aspects of the Arts which I feel that schools in Singapore should learn from. We should all be nurtured our students, allowing them to have a chance to develop their talent in the Arts.

28 May 2014 Wednesday 
Sunny and rainy
Today, we went to the cake towel coffee factory and we had a DIY towel making sessions where we all made little cute towel figurines. This was definitely a fresh experience for us and through this visit, I think that we have all learned to appreciate all the little things around us, even things like towels. Did you know that there are 5 steps you need to follow before you can actually know the quality of your towel? Also, did you know that a piece of towel takes 50 days in order to be able to get manufactured. I feel that we should really stop,slow down and appreciate the things around us. We also went to the puppet museum today and I learn about the olden puppet culture. Puppet shows is now slowly getting forgotten and nobody really knows it's culture. The performers had to find new ways to perform, including their sense if humour and modern technology in order to gain views. I didn't knew that puppet shows could be this entertaining. It might not be as popular as compared to the shows we have now but it is certainly meaningful.

29 May 2014 Thursday
Sunny( Best day!!!!)
Today might have been the best day I had experienced in Taiwan, I had a Food and Culture Class in Sacred Hearts today. We made a lot of food like fruit tarts, 葱油饼( it is a oiled dough? With egg on it, it's really good) and the school even gave us bubble tea and desserts. I feel that the school was really very generous and the students there had more freedom and space to cook in the kitchen. This might be somthing RV could improve from. AFTERWARDS, we all had an outing with our buddys. Matthew and I were paired with my buddy, Guo Pin Chen (郭品辰). Their family was very welcoming and generous. They brought us to visit a soy sauce museum and honey museum. They also bought a lot of food and souvenirs for us. I could experience the hospitable Taiwanese spirit. This spirit I feel lacks in Singapore. Taiwanese were all gernerous, entertaining, hospitable and caring about their guests, whereas Singspore maybe a little stingy. 

30 May 2014 Friday
Sunny (last day)
Today is the last day of the trip. We had a visit to the 921 educational park where an earthquake happend last time and was made into a educational park. There, we saw the detrimental impacts of the earthquake as the school buildings were all toppled and the running tracks of the schools was flattened. There were cracks all over the pillars and everything there feels like it might topple from just a push of the fingertips. It made me really appreciate how Singapore is blessed to not experience any natural disasters and it made me feel a little mad how Singaporeans complain about the smallest things whereas the Taiwanese experiences danger everyday, yet able to manage thier life's. The educational park was a reminder of the bad inccident that had happen and marks as a start of change. Technology was further improved from then, Taiwan was able to learn from the inccident and grow. By making the damaged location an educational park is a wise choice as it is a symbol of growth from the Taiwanese. Soon, we made our way to Tao Yuan airport, after long hours of flight delay, we finally made in safe back to Singapore. 

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