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Friday 23 May 2014

Reflection (How to start a movement)

       After watching the video, i feel that it takes courage to be a leader and start a movement. The first follower also plays a crucial role. He or she is brave enough to show everyone how to follow, and transforms the lone person who started it into a leader. The first followers then emulate more followers and eventually as more and more people join, it becomes a crowd and a movement is formed. The leader is important in its way, but without the first followers, there will be no movement.
       We did this activity in class as well,  where we would all be standing and we had to each pick two people, and move so that we were in the middle, of equal distance, between the two people we chose. When they moved, you had to move as well, we were all interconnected. When A moved, B would follow, C in return would follow B, and it continues.
         - Shenice

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