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Friday 14 March 2014

Retreat of nationalist

This picture shows the retreat of KuoMingDang during World War Two and during the civil war. 
From Nanking to canton and to Sichuan. This means shame and nationalists  had no power to protect its own country . Their military power is very weak. Despite defeated by the Japanese for several times , the nationalists did not give up and surrender . Chinese people also play a important role , they support the country and are willing to go to the war to fight against Japanese. During the Second Sino Japanese war ,most Western historians believed that the total number of casualties was at least 20 million.The Chinese have resilience and loyal to the country . They are also willing to sacrifice themselves and protect their homeland. China had been invader by foreigners several times and the people know the consequence of being invader by a foreigner country.
From Sichuan to Taipei, the people in china was disappointed with the government. As the nationalist did not give them more benefit than the communist , the public no longer support.  Although the number of soldiers that the nationalist have is more than the number of soldiers that communism have , the communisms still won the war with millions of Chinese help them to transports weapons and foods. 
The public were used to support the party than gave them more benefit as that was what had happened in the china for the past centuries . 
From this , we can learnt that support from people is very important .  The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it.
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Republic_of_China_(1912–49)

Thursday 13 March 2014

The Terracotta Army/ Terracotta Warriors and Horses

The Terracotta Army/ Terracotta Warriors and Horses 
   The Terracotta Army ---- ever wondered about its origins and its history?     
    A collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of Qin Shi Huang, the first Emperor of China, and one of the most fascinating archeological discovery of modern time in Shaanxi province, China. The Terracotta Army is made out of with terracotta, literally meaning “baked earth”, natural clay, being officially uncovered in 1974 while a group of peasants were digging up a well near the royal tomb. As a form of funerary art, it was ‘buried’ with Emperor Qin Shi Huang in 210–209 BC, whose purpose was to protect the emperor in his afterlife, and took around 700,000 craftsmen and over a span of 36 years to construct!

   The mausoleum, with the Emperor’s tomb stationed in the centre, have four pits of battle-ready warriors stationed near the tomb. The first pit, as large as two football fields, with around 6000 warriors, made up of archers, charioteers, foot soldiers, etc. in battle-ready formation. A smaller second pit nearby was filled with approximately 900 warriors who are more powerful and have higher ranks such as generals. The third pit is where strategists and scholars are located to discuss battle formations. The fourth and final pit was discovered empty, scholars befuddled by this. Servants, acrobats, dancers, singers, strongmen, and animals were also excavated, serving as entertainment to the Emperor while the warriors ‘protect’ the Emperor and his afterlife kingdom. So much thought and effort being put into the crafting of the army, no two figures having the same facial features, hair styles and clothing design, each having its own unique identity.
   For China, the Terracotta Army is something of great value to them, in honour of the First Emperor, and showed the huge amount of respect the Chinese had for the Emperor, and his importance to them. For me, the Terracotta Army is a projection of the great history of China, showing us a great deal of information of Ancient China, about the Qing Dynasty, their distribution and formation of ranks, use of weapons and the application of military tactics, etc., a window to what China was like back then.

The Terracotta Army


SOURCES: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terracotta_Army

-Shenice :) 

Friday 7 March 2014

China one party rule

What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages of the one party system in China?
The disadvantage is that the country will suspect the party to corrupt as there are no other party to guide them. 
The advantages is that they can easily work together as they are one party

How far do you think the one party system is to blame for China's poor human rights record?
They were to blame as they were working together and causing the china poor humans right.

Why do you think China has been able to progress with the one party system?
As they agree to each other and did not cause a disruption.

Do you think that maintaining a one party system will continue to benefit China?
Yes. They will continue to develop as one China as it would be easier with one leader which has the ability to influence the people of China, without any objections or discussions. Things can be done much more smoothly and agreements would come along easily. 

Do you think that the China's one party system is similar to Singapore's?
No Singapore got other parties to who work with the government.

What can both countries learn and not learn from each other in terms of governance?
Yes they can learn from each other in terms of what is good and what they should not do. They can also share their experiences with different political systems and contribute to the development of both nations respectively. They can also learn from each other's mistakes and prevent various disasters, economically or physically, by taking precautions.