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Friday 24 January 2014

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What we learnt during the past 3weeks.

In CID we learnt see think wonder about the pictures that the teacher post thinging about our country while looking at the pictures.
Pang wei siong

have learnt to view things in various perspectives and not to judge something before understand the background information. I have also understood more about being able to sympathize and think more about various issues. I have too learn to be patient with others and to adapt to new people which I have never worked with before.

In CID , we learn to take initiative,to always asks questions, and to view things in different perspective.
I also learn what are the best possible ways to take an image .

      In the first lesson of CID, we were told that we had to create a blog. Our first task was to take a group picture and add it to the blog. Each member was to write about how their year-end holidays were spent, and post it on the blog. I was surprised, for I was new to the whole idea of having a blog. It was fun reading other groups' blogs, and how our classmates spent their holidays.
      The second lesson, it was all about photography. We looked at several photos, with each having their own background story. We discussed about a picture taken in Africa, where there was a girl and a vulture, and each group had to choose one word to describe the photo. Words like 'cruel', 'hunger', 'devastating', etc. came about. We also did other activities, where we were given two photos, showing two beggars, however with two different background stories and had to decide who we would help, which was interesting. The task given for that lesson was to take four photos to represent: fear, life, school spirit and happiness, and upload onto our blogs, which we struggled...
      The third and latest lesson so far, we went through each and every group's blogs and commented about it. We also learnt some useful photography skills, like how we frame our objects of interest in our photos.
     After the lessons so far, I have learnt about team spirit and how important it is for everyone in the team to cooperate for the work to be done.


Wednesday 22 January 2014

Chinese New Year

This is a horse year so it is a horse symbol.
My parents talk to me about the firecrackers made me thing of that time that they are so fun.
it is red color as it is the color of the hong bao.
Pang wei siong

The colour I choose is red as red means happy. The symbol I choose is 福 as during Chinese New Year, people will paste it on the wall. The image I choose is hong bao as the favorite things I like is to receive hong bao during Chinese New Year .
- GaoYunFan

To me the color red during Chinese New Year, represents the reunion and celebration of a whole new year of prosperity and peace. I find the color red to be very unique and festive for this season and it is very a quintessential on most decorations. The symbol of the horse is a representation of this year's animal. The horse symbol displays persistence and achieving for our aspirations. 


To me in chinese context, the colour red symbolizes prosperity, wealth and luck. The color red is also used in ancient context if being able to protect and create happiness. The color red is also used in Chinese New Year Celebrations where Chinese would decorate their house with the theme colour red. According to the Chinese zodiac, the representative animal of 2014 is the animal horse. The horse symbolizes grace,freedom and nobility.


Thursday 16 January 2014



The child depicted the in picture that was shown in class displayed a sign of desperation for food as well as how cruel our world can be. The child's hunger must have been a long struggle as he is very skinny and shows signs of weakness and fatigue. The eagle can be seen as the rest of the world in the child's perspective, so cold and cruel. This concludes the devastating situation of the hunger faced by the child, as well as the death that might come upon him if help is not given. 

Thursday 9 January 2014

Reflections for my holidays 2013:)

The holidays were spent pretty nicely. I went for my first job which was really tiring and stressful at times. It was a decent experience and there were definitely a good amount of really annoying customers. I had my share of good times during the job term as we'll and gained a lot from this new experience. I also managed to meet up with many of my friends and spent great times with them. It was a fruitful holiday of fabulous food and awesome times. :) 

I also went to Hong Kong for the first time and experienced life there. It was during the winter months and it was freezing cold. I literally hated the weather. It was really hard to get used to the weather and I got sick a lot. However, the food there was really good, especially their breakfast sets that were just so tasty. I really enjoyed breakfast times in Hong Kong even though the cafés are usually packed with people. The shopping malls there are quite similar to the ones in singapore, with air conditioning and good facilities. I did not enjoy the bus rides there though. The bus drivers drive really fast and turn very sharply, which can be quite scary for me. The people in Hong Kong were pretty nice and they offered their help to my family whenever we are in need of it. The trains in Hong Kong are literally the replica of Singapore's, but with more stations and more seats, obviously since their popular is greater. Overall, the transport system resembles the ones in Singapore. Overall the trip was overwhelmed with mixed feelings and I had a decent share of good and horrid times during my stay there. 

The holidays were pretty great and interesting this year as I tried many things I have never done before. 



 Last year holiday , I have went back to China . I have not gone back for 2 years and there is a big change . Compare to last time , there are more cars on the street now and I could  hardly see a bicycle anymore. They have change to electric bike. I also had met a lot of relatives and have a lot of fun . Although it is very cold.

- GaoYunfan 

The best EOY holiday
My holiday was the best last year.Last year,my holidays is fun because I get to go overseas.I got to China and it was fun.The most fun past is that I get to go up the yellow mountain I was amazed by the paranoia view.It was a long travel as it was 10days.We walked a lot making me sleep instantly when we lay on the bed.

-Pang Wei Siong

I really enjoyed my holidays, but the regretful fact is that time seems to pass so quickly. During the holidays, apart from staying at home and completing all my holiday homework like the rest of my friends, I also needed to come back to school for CCA and for TKK competition. 

Regarding the TKK competition, I feel that after completing the prototype, I enjoyed the whole process a lot as I learnt to develop thinking skills, like how to think out of the box. Overall, I am satisfied with my ending product. 

As for the rest of my holidays, I went overseas to Malaysia, Genting. Sadly, Genting's outdoor theme park was closed for renovation and would only be opened in 3 years' time. But I still had a lot of fun playing in the indoor theme park. Practically, going there was just about food, games and fun. 

Lastly, something that I regretted is that I should have spent my holidays better and perhaps, bond with my friends as we could have gone out to catch a movie or have a lunch together. I promise myself to have a more fruitful, enjoyable and meaningful holiday next time. 

- Yang Zhi

During the holidays, I had my first job and had a fabulous time in facilitator's training camp. The job was a fruitful experience and I learned a lot from it. I met with difficult customers in which helped me to build my patience and communication skills. 

I also met a lot of new people in the camp for facilitators. Even though, we had to deal with challenges and hard lessons, we still managed to pull through and had a lot of fun. In the end, the orientation   went very smoothly and was a huge success. It was really nice to interact with my schoolmates as well as my juniors. 

I also caught up with so of my primary school friends and had a wonderful Christmas celebration with gift exchanges and good food. 

Overall, the holidays was definitely a busy yet fruitful one. 


The most eventful part of my holidays was definitely the 1 week trip to Bangkok, Thailand with my family. Fortunately, the protests in Thailand then were still peaceful, and we had a decent time there.

My parents had booked two connecting hotel rooms, with our parents next door, which made the trip all the more enjoyable, for my sister and I had one whole room to ourselves. :)

It felt like being in Singapore really, the hot weather, and the shopping malls were relatively the same too. There was a lot of shopping, the stuff there being generally cheaper than in Singapore. 

We went to many different places, and I learnt a lot about the culture of the locals there. The locals there were really nice, so was their food there, one being their mango and sticky rice, which I really enjoyed, the mangoes there sweeter than Singapore's. In general, I really enjoyed my trip to Thailand.  

- Shenice